Care for the the victimizer?

Parshat VaYigash serves as the climax of the last few weeks of parshiot, wherein Yosef is finally reunited with his brothers and with Yaakov 22 years after being sold away to slavery. There is a famous question asked about Yosef’s actions during these 22 years. Why didn’t Yosef try and contact his father to let… Continue reading Care for the the victimizer?

“Hashem frees those in captivity”

VaYeishev – Shabbos Chanukah 5770 The Talmud (Yoma 35b) recounts the attempted seduction of Yosef by Potiphar’s wife, with the following conversation between them: She threatened him, ‘I will have you thrown into prison!’ he replied, ‘Hashem frees those in captivity’ (Tehillim 146). She pushed further, ‘I will cut down your height!’ and he responded,… Continue reading “Hashem frees those in captivity”