“For I am the Lord, Who Loves Justice”

Terumah 5770 The Beis HaLevi asks why the Parshah of donations, Terumah, follows the Parshah of civil law, Mishpatim. He answers, that this is to teach us that before a person can begin to give tzedakah with his money, he must meticulously ascertain that none of his wealth has been acquired in a manner that… Continue reading “For I am the Lord, Who Loves Justice”

“They Have Done Well”

Yisro 5770 When the Aseres HaDibros are repeated in Devarim, Hashem responds to the request of B’nai Yisrael that He not communicate directly with them lest they be killed by the experience, saying: “They have done well in all that they have spoken. Would that their hearts be like this, to fear Me and to… Continue reading “They Have Done Well”

Keeping Perspective

וַיַּסַּע מֹשֶׁה אֶת-יִשְׂרָאֵל מִיַּם-סוּף, וַיֵּצְאוּ אֶל-מִדְבַּר-שׁוּר; וַיֵּלְכוּ שְׁלֹשֶׁת-יָמִים בַּמִּדְבָּר, וְלֹא-מָצְאוּ מָיִם. וַיָּבֹאוּ מָרָתָה–וְלֹא יָכְלוּ לִשְׁתֹּת מַיִם מִמָּרָה, כִּי מָרִים הֵם; עַל-כֵּן קָרָא-שְׁמָהּ, מָרָה. וַיִּלֹּנוּ הָעָם עַל-מֹשֶׁה לֵּאמֹר, מַה-נִּשְׁתֶּה. יִּצְעַק אֶל-יְהוָה, וַיּוֹרֵהוּ יְהוָה עֵץ, וַיַּשְׁלֵךְ אֶל-הַמַּיִם, וַיִּמְתְּקוּ הַמָּיִם; שָׁם שָׂם לוֹ חֹק וּמִשְׁפָּט, וְשָׁם נִסָּהוּ. And Moshe led Israel onward from the Sea of Reeds, and… Continue reading Keeping Perspective

Allied with Hashem

Beshalach 5770 Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik, quoted in Mipninei HaRav, asks why B’nai Yisrael failed to sing at the time of the exodus the way that they sang during the splitting of the sea. He answers, that the difference between the two salvations is that while the exodus was performed entirely by Hashem, B’nai Yisrael… Continue reading Allied with Hashem

“For All the Children of Israel There Was Light”

Bo 5770 During the plague of darkness, the Torah tells us that the Egyptians “did not see each other, and no one rose from his place for three days, but for all the children of Israel there was light in their dwellings” (Shemos 10:23). What is the significance of the children of Israel having light?… Continue reading “For All the Children of Israel There Was Light”

“Shortness of Breath”

VaEira 5770 Hashem commands Moshe to tell B’nai Yisrael of their upcoming redemption, despite knowing that His words would be disregarded by them – “but they did not hearken to Moshe because of [their] shortness of breath and because of [their] hard labor” (Shemos 6:9). The Sfas Emes questions Hashem’s insistence in delivering a message… Continue reading “Shortness of Breath”