Who supports whom?

In parshat v’Zot HaBeracha, Moshe Rabbeinu blesses each of the Shevatim of the Jewish people (except Shimon). Each tribe gets, their own blessing, but for some reason, the blessings of the tribes of Yissachar and Zevulun are bundled up together into one bracha. וְלִזְבוּלֻן אָמַר, שְׂמַח זְבוּלֻן בְּצֵאתֶךָ; וְיִשָּׂשכָר, בְּאֹהָלֶיךָ And of Zevulun he said:… Continue reading Who supports whom?

With Much Alacrity

One part of learning the parasha that is both fascinating and instructive is learning more about the characters and their qualities because, as we know, our forefathers aren’t merely our progenitors, but also our role models. The things they did and how they did them can illuminate and impact how we live our own lives.… Continue reading With Much Alacrity

What the Destruction of the World Can Teach Us About Human Relations

The passuk at the beginning of parashat Noach tells us: ויאמר אלהים לנח, קץ כל בשר בא לפני — כי מלאה הארץ חמס, מפניהם והנני משחיתם, את-הארץ. (בראשית ו:יג) And the Lord said to Noach, “The end of all flesh comes before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them, and behold I… Continue reading What the Destruction of the World Can Teach Us About Human Relations

Forbidden Relationships

This Shabbat is the 25th day of the Omer. We are exactly half way from Pesach to Shavuot. Acharei Mot, the first part of today’s double feature, is a “bloody” Parsha. It instructs Aaron on the use of blood in the sacrificial rituals, as a pathway to purity and atonement. At the same time it… Continue reading Forbidden Relationships

Is Honey Chametz?

As Sefer Vayikra begins, we are all keenly aware that Pesach is approaching and the smell of cleaning products is in the air.  We have just completed Sefer Shmot with a month of Torah readings describing the construction of the Mishkan and now we begin to read about all the different Korbanot offered therein. One… Continue reading Is Honey Chametz?

Human Master or Divine Authority?

In this week’s parsha, the Torah discusses the laws of eved ivri – a Jew who is sold as an indentured servant to another Jew. If a man steals and cannot afford to pay restitution, he is sold into slavery for up to 6 years. Alternatively, a man can voluntarily, because of severe poverty, choose… Continue reading Human Master or Divine Authority?

Femininity at the Sea

“And Miriam the Prophetess, the sister of Aharon, took the tambourine in her hand and she went out with all the women after her in music and dancing. And Miriam answered them, “Sing to HaShem, for He is greater than the great, horse and rider He has plunged into the sea!” (Exodus 15;20-21) After Moshe… Continue reading Femininity at the Sea

Yom Hashem

(I got this Dvar Torah from HaRav Menachem Leibtag Shlita)400 years before the Exodus of Egypt, the city of Sdom was celebrating Pesach. According to Rashi, Lot served his guests matzot on Pesach.Flash forward a couple of parshiot and we are in Sefer Shmot. Moshe speaks to the sneh (burning bush). During that encounter, Hashem… Continue reading Yom Hashem