Care for the the victimizer?

Parshat VaYigash serves as the climax of the last few weeks of parshiot, wherein Yosef is finally reunited with his brothers and with Yaakov 22 years after being sold away to slavery. There is a famous question asked about Yosef’s actions during these 22 years. Why didn’t Yosef try and contact his father to let… Continue reading Care for the the victimizer?

Collective Punishment

Parshat VaYishlach contains the tragic story of how Yaakov’s daughter Dina is kidnapped and raped by Shechem. After committing his heinous act, Shechem asks his father, Chamor, to ask Yaakov for Dina’s hand in marriage. Yaakov’s sons hear what happened and respond to Shechem’s request by saying that they cannot allow their families to intermarry… Continue reading Collective Punishment