Who supports whom?

In parshat v’Zot HaBeracha, Moshe Rabbeinu blesses each of the Shevatim of the Jewish people (except Shimon). Each tribe gets, their own blessing, but for some reason, the blessings of the tribes of Yissachar and Zevulun are bundled up together into one bracha. וְלִזְבוּלֻן אָמַר, שְׂמַח זְבוּלֻן בְּצֵאתֶךָ; וְיִשָּׂשכָר, בְּאֹהָלֶיךָ And of Zevulun he said:… Continue reading Who supports whom?

The Servant, the Man, and the Angel

In the story of Eliezer’s Journey to Aram Naharaim to search for a bride for Yitzchak, his master Avraham’s son, there is an interesting feature in the narrative. In the first part of the story, Eliezer is consistently referred to by the narrative voice as הָעֶבֶד – the servant, right up to the point where he runs to speak with Rivka at the well ” וַיָּרָץ הָעֶבֶד לִקְרָאתָהּ” (Ber. 34:17). However, from that point onwards, he is referred to by the narrative voice as הָאִישׁ – the man (Ber. 24:21, 24:26, 24:29, 24:32), through most of the encounter with Rivka and her family.

Tower and Technology

The episode of the tower of Babel is a curious one.  It’s one of the 4 major stories preceding Abraham, together with Adam and Chava’s sin, Kayin’s murder of Hevel and the Flood.  Nevertheless, the entire story is very short – only 9 pasukim recount the entire sequence of events from beginning to end –… Continue reading Tower and Technology