What if Adam and Chava ate from the Tree of Life first?

In this past week’s parsha, Bereishit, we read about Adam and Chava’s sin in eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. After listing the punishments of Adam, Chava and the snake, the Torah portion describes their expulsion from the Garden of Eden: וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה אֱלֹהִים, הֵן הָאָדָם הָיָה כְּאַחַד מִמֶּנּוּ, לָדַעַת, טוֹב… Continue reading What if Adam and Chava ate from the Tree of Life first?

The Significance of a Bris

This Dvar Torah is in honor of my beautiful son, Azariah Simcha, who had is bris yesterday. This is a very auspicious week to have a Bris, as the third pasuk in the Parsha is: וּבַיּוֹם, הַשְּׁמִינִי, יִמּוֹל, בְּשַׂר עָרְלָתו And in the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised I would… Continue reading The Significance of a Bris

Collective Punishment

Parshat VaYishlach contains the tragic story of how Yaakov’s daughter Dina is kidnapped and raped by Shechem. After committing his heinous act, Shechem asks his father, Chamor, to ask Yaakov for Dina’s hand in marriage. Yaakov’s sons hear what happened and respond to Shechem’s request by saying that they cannot allow their families to intermarry… Continue reading Collective Punishment