
In Parshat Behaalotcha we encounter the story of Miriam and Aharon, Moshe’s siblings, speaking Lashon Hara about him. They find out that Moshe is no longer able to be intimate with his wife because of his need to be constantly ready to receive prophecy, and they question whether this is correct, because they too are… Continue reading Humility

“The humble will inherit the Earth”

VaYechi 5770 Yaakov Avinu gave priority in his blessing of Yosef’s sons to the younger of the two, Efraim. The Ba’al HaTurim finds a hint in the Torah’s description of the event that Efraim was honoured above his brother because “he had humbled himself.” Humility is often not given its due admiration in our society;… Continue reading “The humble will inherit the Earth”