Anu Ratzim v’Heim Ratzim

Gemarrah Brachot 28b states that when R’ Nechunya ben Hakanah used to leave the beit medrash, he would say the famous line that is made at a siyum “Ani Mashkim, v’heim mashkimim: Ani Mashkim l’divrei torah, v’heim mashkimim l’dvarim beteilim. Ani amel, v’heim ameilim: Ani amel u’mekablel sechar, heim ameilim v’einam mekablim sechar. Ani ratz,… Continue reading Anu Ratzim v’Heim Ratzim

Human Master or Divine Authority?

In this week’s parsha, the Torah discusses the laws of eved ivri – a Jew who is sold as an indentured servant to another Jew. If a man steals and cannot afford to pay restitution, he is sold into slavery for up to 6 years. Alternatively, a man can voluntarily, because of severe poverty, choose… Continue reading Human Master or Divine Authority?