Lech Lecha- Showing Off or Showing Up?

“This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised.” (17:10) We are taught that Avraham kept every mitzva in the Torah before he (or anyone else for that matter) was even commended to, with one exception: the commandment to become… Continue reading Lech Lecha- Showing Off or Showing Up?

Life Lessons

Parashat Hayye Sarah is, at large, a chronicle of Avraham Avinu’s last living actions.  Beginning with the death of Sarah Imeinu and ending with the death of Avraham himself (with an aside tracking the generations of Yishmael and his death), we are invited to see how the forefather of the Jewish people chose to spend… Continue reading Life Lessons

With Much Alacrity

One part of learning the parasha that is both fascinating and instructive is learning more about the characters and their qualities because, as we know, our forefathers aren’t merely our progenitors, but also our role models. The things they did and how they did them can illuminate and impact how we live our own lives.… Continue reading With Much Alacrity

Marriage to G-d

In the Hagadah, we quote the Pasuk in Shemos 12:12– “Viavarti beeretz Mitrayim balaylah hazeh, vihakisi kol bachor beeretz Mitrayim, maadam viad behama, vechol Elok-ay Mitzrayim eeseh shephatim ani Hashem.” “And I passed over Egypt and killed every firstborn in Egypt, from animal to person and to all of the Egyptian G-d’s I did justice,… Continue reading Marriage to G-d

The Power of Names

This week’s Dvar Torah is dedicated for a Refuah Sheleima for Sarah Freida bat Shoshana. הַמַּלְאָךְ הַגֹּאֵל אֹתִי מִכָּל-רָע, יְבָרֵךְ אֶת-הַנְּעָרִים, וְיִקָּרֵא בָהֶם שְׁמִי, וְשֵׁם אֲבֹתַי אַבְרָהָם וְיִצְחָק; וְיִדְגּוּ לָרֹב, בְּקֶרֶב הָאָרֶץ. The angel who has redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named in them, and the name… Continue reading The Power of Names


This week’s portion brings us to the life of Avram. Avram obeys G-d’s command to leave his place of dwelling, and eventually arrives at Canaan. After Canaan, we are told that Avram pitches his tent with Beth El on the west and the Ai on the east. And then Avram goes down to Egypt. ויסע אברם הלוך… Continue reading Famine