Emor- A Smack of Love

A child comes home from school and tells his father that his Rebbi hit him for misbehaving. The father called up the Rebbi and asked him if that was indeed what had happened. The Rebbi confirmed the reports and mentioned that because he was a Rebbi and like a father to his students, he had… Continue reading Emor- A Smack of Love

Some Thoughts from Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch on Parshas Emor

Dibur and Emor differ as “speaking” and “informing.” Speaking is the expression of thought in words, without any consideration of its being accepted by the hearer, but informing is always “telling somebody.” One can speak to oneself, but not inform. Dibur is the concise expression of a thought, Emor is addressing the same to the… Continue reading Some Thoughts from Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch on Parshas Emor