And Aharon was Silent

President Barack Obama pauses after adjusting a wreath placed in the Hall of Remembrance during his visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, March 22, 2013. Standing behind the President, from left, are: Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau; Israeli President Shimon Peres; Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu; and Avner Shalev, Chairman of the Yad Vashem Directorate.(Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

As I was driving home today, watching the sun set on Yom HaShoah, I was thinking about the siren earlier today, and what two minutes of silent contemplation can accomplish. In shul this past week, we read וידום אהרון which we usually translate as “And Aharon was silent.” Aharon’s two oldest sons, Nadav and Avihu,… Continue reading And Aharon was Silent

Stark Contrast

Acharei Mot is notable for a startling contrast: Opening with the laws describing the office of the Kohen Gadol, as he stands before the holy of holies, seeking the atonement of the Jewish people on the most important day of the year – the parsha than turns its attention to our most primal appetites. In… Continue reading Stark Contrast

Forbidden Relationships

This Shabbat is the 25th day of the Omer. We are exactly half way from Pesach to Shavuot. Acharei Mot, the first part of today’s double feature, is a “bloody” Parsha. It instructs Aaron on the use of blood in the sacrificial rituals, as a pathway to purity and atonement. At the same time it… Continue reading Forbidden Relationships