“For All the Children of Israel There Was Light”

Bo 5770 During the plague of darkness, the Torah tells us that the Egyptians “did not see each other, and no one rose from his place for three days, but for all the children of Israel there was light in their dwellings” (Shemos 10:23). What is the significance of the children of Israel having light?… Continue reading “For All the Children of Israel There Was Light”

Yom Hashem

(I got this Dvar Torah from HaRav Menachem Leibtag Shlita)400 years before the Exodus of Egypt, the city of Sdom was celebrating Pesach. According to Rashi, Lot served his guests matzot on Pesach.Flash forward a couple of parshiot and we are in Sefer Shmot. Moshe speaks to the sneh (burning bush). During that encounter, Hashem… Continue reading Yom Hashem