Trumah- Giving and Taking

“And take for me Truma” The parsha opens by God asking the Jewish People to donate materials for the building of the Mishkan. It occured to me that unlike modern day projects which often is funded by grants or a single donor or perhaps the government, the Mishkan was actually donated (mostly) by the Jewish… Continue reading Trumah- Giving and Taking

Thinking of Sacrifice

In this week’s Parsha we come across the interesting halacha of Piggul. This halacha basically says that when bringing a Korban, if the Kohen or person bringing the sacrifice had a thought about eating the Korban at an invalid time or in an invalid place, the entire sacrifice must be discarded and if someone proceeds… Continue reading Thinking of Sacrifice

I am, therefore I must think.

Descartes was wrong. He said “I think, therefore I am,” but in this week’s Parsha we see otherwise. This week, we have a double Parsha of Vayakhel and Pekudei. In Vayakhel, it talks about how Hashem filled Betzalel, Oholiav and all of their helpers with the wisdom necessary to construct the Mishkan and its vessels.… Continue reading I am, therefore I must think.

Shimon and Levi

The Talmud tells us in three places “All is in the hands of Heaven, except the fear of Heaven” (Brachot 33b, Megilla 25a, Niddah 16b). One frequent interpretation of this is that while a person’s characteristics, aptitudes, skills, etc are predestined, one can choose to use this for good or for ill. An agile person… Continue reading Shimon and Levi

Ki Sisa- Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off, and Get Back in the Ring known as Life

The parsha commences with the counting of Bnei Yisrael and continues with the sin of the Golden Calf (The Jewish People worship a golden calf, which is considered idolatry.) A question I just thought of was even if the Jewish People thought that Moshe was not returning, why would that prompt them to start serving… Continue reading Ki Sisa- Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off, and Get Back in the Ring known as Life