What Sarah didn’t appreciate

Reading through the parsha this week, it stood out to me that the angels who visit Avraham and Sarah are never actually called angels. They are explicitly called Men both before they arrive and after they depart. This made me realize that it’s very possible that Sarah never knew that they were angels at all.… Continue reading What Sarah didn’t appreciate

With Much Alacrity

One part of learning the parasha that is both fascinating and instructive is learning more about the characters and their qualities because, as we know, our forefathers aren’t merely our progenitors, but also our role models. The things they did and how they did them can illuminate and impact how we live our own lives.… Continue reading With Much Alacrity

Effective Prayer

One theme that seems to crop up in basically every area of this week’s parsha is the importance of prayer. I would like to analyze each of these different instances of prayer to see what we can learn from them about our own prayers. Prayer For The Sick Parshat Vaeira starts with HaShem visiting Avraham… Continue reading Effective Prayer

Chesed and the Akeidah

וַיְהִי, אַחַר הַדְּבָרִים הָאֵלֶּה, וְהָ’ נִסָּה אֶת-אַבְרָהָם; וַיֹּאמֶר אֵלָיו, אַבְרָהָם וַיֹּאמֶר הִנֵּנִי. And it came to pass after these things, that God tested Abraham, and He said to him, “Abraham,” and he said, “Here I am.” (Ber. 22:1) There is a well-known Ramban on this pasuk: that Hashem tests people in order to bring their… Continue reading Chesed and the Akeidah