Anu Ratzim v’Heim Ratzim

Gemarrah Brachot 28b states that when R’ Nechunya ben Hakanah used to leave the beit medrash, he would say the famous line that is made at a siyum “Ani Mashkim, v’heim mashkimim: Ani Mashkim l’divrei torah, v’heim mashkimim l’dvarim beteilim. Ani amel, v’heim ameilim: Ani amel u’mekablel sechar, heim ameilim v’einam mekablim sechar. Ani ratz,… Continue reading Anu Ratzim v’Heim Ratzim

Gam Zu L’Tova

Adapted from a shiur by R’ Shlomo Farhi The Gemara relates a story about a gentleman called Nachum. He was a man who had a a difficult life, but whenever something bad happened, he would say “Gam Zu L’Tovah – this also is for the good”, and this is what he later became known as… Continue reading Gam Zu L’Tova