
This week’s portion brings us to the life of Avram. Avram obeys G-d’s command to leave his place of dwelling, and eventually arrives at Canaan. After Canaan, we are told that Avram pitches his tent with Beth El on the west and the Ai on the east. And then Avram goes down to Egypt. ויסע אברם הלוך… Continue reading Famine

Truth or Peace? – Bereishit

In this week’s parasha, G-d creates the world ex nihilo. After six days of creating the earth, the sky, animals and vegetation, G-d creates man. But G-d does something strange- He employs the use of the “royal we” before creating man: ויאמר אלקים נעשה אדם (בראשית א, כו) And G-d said: Let us make man.… Continue reading Truth or Peace? – Bereishit