
I’m going to do something out-of-the-box here.  I know it’s Parashat Toldot, and we want to know as much as we can about Yaakov and Esav, about the birthright, the brachot, deception, drama, and revenge.  But I want to know about what goes on in the middle part.  Yitzhak’s _whole_ life story happens in chapter… Continue reading Legacy

Categorized as Toldot

Life Lessons

Parashat Hayye Sarah is, at large, a chronicle of Avraham Avinu’s last living actions.  Beginning with the death of Sarah Imeinu and ending with the death of Avraham himself (with an aside tracking the generations of Yishmael and his death), we are invited to see how the forefather of the Jewish people chose to spend… Continue reading Life Lessons

With Much Alacrity

One part of learning the parasha that is both fascinating and instructive is learning more about the characters and their qualities because, as we know, our forefathers aren’t merely our progenitors, but also our role models. The things they did and how they did them can illuminate and impact how we live our own lives.… Continue reading With Much Alacrity

What the Destruction of the World Can Teach Us About Human Relations

The passuk at the beginning of parashat Noach tells us: ויאמר אלהים לנח, קץ כל בשר בא לפני — כי מלאה הארץ חמס, מפניהם והנני משחיתם, את-הארץ. (בראשית ו:יג) And the Lord said to Noach, “The end of all flesh comes before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them, and behold I… Continue reading What the Destruction of the World Can Teach Us About Human Relations